What? Who? When?? BuyBoard 101

What is BuyBoard?

As a school district or government agency, finding the right vendor for purchasing goods and services can be a challenging and time-consuming task. However, with BuyBoard, the process of finding the right vendor is made easier. BuyBoard is a purchasing cooperative that is available to school districts, municipalities, and other government agencies in all fifty states.

Benefits of using BuyBoard

BuyBoard is a purchasing cooperative that offers a wide range of benefits to school districts, municipalities, and other government agencies. One of the major benefits of using BuyBoard is that it enables members to purchase goods and services at a discounted rate. This is because BuyBoard leverages the collective buying power of its members to negotiate lower prices from vendors.

Additionally, BuyBoard offers access to a vast network of pre-screened vendors that have been vetted for compliance with state and federal purchasing regulations. This ensures that members have access to high-quality products and services from reputable vendors. This is especially important for school districts and government agencies that need to ensure they are getting the best value for their money.

Another benefit of using BuyBoard is that it streamlines the procurement process. Members can access a user-friendly online portal that allows them to easily create and manage purchase orders. This means that members can quickly and easily order the goods and services they need, without having to go through a cumbersome procurement process.

Additionally, members can take advantage of BuyBoard's contract management services, which include contract review and negotiation, contract administration, and compliance monitoring. This helps to reduce the administrative burden associated with procurement, freeing up staff time to focus on other important tasks.

How BuyBoard works

To become a member of BuyBoard, school districts, municipalities, and other government agencies must first complete an application process. Once approved, members can access the online portal to browse a wide range of goods and services offered by pre-screened vendors. Members can select the vendor that best meets their needs and place an order through the online portal.

BuyBoard then facilitates the transaction, ensuring that members receive the product or service they ordered at the negotiated price. Members can also take advantage of BuyBoard's contract management services to ensure compliance with state and federal purchasing regulations. This means that school districts and government agencies can rest assured that they are following all the necessary rules and regulations when purchasing goods and services through BuyBoard.

What Products does Texas Highway Products Offer on BuyBoard?

Texas Highway Products offers a variety of traffic and ITS products from high-quality manufacturers. These include:

  • Q-Free

  • NoTraffic

  • Encom Wireless

  • Clary Corporation

  • Tomar

  • Availed Technologies

  • iEnet

  • Pelco

  • Axis

  • Current by GE

  • EDI

  • Bosch

What BuyBoard Contracts does Texas Highway Products Participate In?


  • 608-20 TRAF_CTRL Highway Safety and Traffic Control Products


  • 692-23 SaaSSoftware as a Service (SaaS), Cybersecurity Assessments, and Related Products and Services

  • 695-23 Traffic Signal Systems Traffic Signal Systems and Safety Barrier Products

  • 696-23 RF Comms Radio Communication and Video Recording Products and Services

  • 698-23 Public Safety Public Safety and Firehouse Supplies and Equipment

  • 703-23 Traffic Control Products Highway Safety and Traffic Control Products


In summary, BuyBoard is a valuable resource for school districts, municipalities, and other government agencies. By leveraging the collective buying power of its members, BuyBoard is able to negotiate lower prices from vendors, ensuring that members have access to high-quality products and services at a discounted rate.

Additionally, BuyBoard streamlines the procurement process, making it easier for members to manage purchase orders and comply with state and federal purchasing regulations. If you are a school district, municipality, or other government agency, consider becoming a member of BuyBoard to take advantage of these benefits. By joining BuyBoard, you can save time and money, while still ensuring that you are getting the best value for your money.

So why wait? Apply to become a member of BuyBoard today and start reaping the benefits!

More Information

If you would like to learn more about BuyBoard, you can visit their website at www.buyboard.com. BuyBoard also offers a variety of training resources to help members make the most of their membership. Also make sure you reach out to Texas Highway Products at www.texashighwayproducts.com

Thank you for reading! We hope this blog post has been informative and helpful. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us.


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